This service will let you rename your account to whatever name you desire, you can now take on a name you always wanted, namefake a pro or finaly get that name you have been wanting forever!
We namechange your account, using a special alfabet on a custom made client, it might sound simply, but this is not something everyone can do.
How is it done?
Order the service here to the right, enter your desired name, and your account details, we will get it done asap.
! Your account needs to have 1300 RP or 14000 IP to afford the actuall name change, this is not covered by us in the purchase !
Special rule! If your desired name starts with any of the letters below, then you can choose if you want your name in small font
If your desired name does not start on any of the letter below, then your name has to be written in BOLD text.
Is it safe?
Yes, there is no rules that say anything against this, its simply a very clever method that can get you the name you want.
Thou if you chose to get for example a name containing anything related to toxic words, "riot" or other stuff that generally might not be ok, then you might risk a ban.
You want the name Faker, we can get you the name faker, now obviously we cannot get you the actuall name faker written with thoose 5 letters.
What we can do, is to give you a visual name, that says FAKER, with real characters, but in theory its written differently, but looks exactly the same.
So lets summarize, you order this service and want the name “Doublelift”, this is what you will get:
Your ingamename: Doublelift
Your loading screenname: Doublelift
Your chat name: Doublelift
Your friendslistname: Doublelift
The name you will see on your client: Doublelft
The name your friends will have to write in to add you: Doublelift
So your actuall name, will not be the name you want, but visually it will look exactly like the one you desire.
Everyone who sees you, will see you as Doublelift!
Get the ingame name YOU want