The “Create your own Smurf” option is a new special service designed to give you everything you need, as safe as humanly possible. I am not gonna lie, we customly make every single account, they are not a part of a big batch of premade accounts, which is much more time consuming, but also way safer for you as the customer.
The account will be leveled to level 30 without any ranked games played, no champions bought (so you can buy the ones you like), 20000 Influence Points, tons of honor points received in games and sometimes even honor ribbons.
The Leveling takes roughly 2 weeks, keep in mind that any downtime, either from us or Riot will delay the process.
The account will be playing ARAM and Summoners Rift, against real players, at the level of a Bronze/Silver, and it will have close to a 50% winrate.
Lifetime Warranty: With our lifetime warranty your account is safe forever. If something happens to it, that is our fault, we will either replace the account or offer you a full refund.
Ranked Ready: Your account will come with 16 champions, so you can directly jump into ranked games. This option requires 4 more days of play time.
Rare skin: You can choose wether it shall come with King Rammus, Judgement Kayle or UFO Corki. This option requires us to make you the account.
Placement matches:We will play your placement matches for you. guaranteeing you 7-8 wins minimum. This also includes the ranked ready option
Lolskinshop is one of the biggest sellers of ELO boost, we got some of the highest rated challenger players on euw here on lolskinshop. Our prices are lower then all our competitors and we offer placement matches, division boosting, mmr raising and duoQ. Choose us for the best experience when it comes to ELO Boosting
LoL Skin Shop also offers LoL Smurfs and Unranked accounts, Highend LoL accounts, High quality lol guides and many other skins, accounts, products, items and services for League of Legends
Design your own Smurf! / Leveling service
Only available for NA
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