CategoryMythic skin
ConceptSejuani as a Hextech creature
ModelNew model, textures and animations!
ParticlesAll new skill particles and animations!
AnimationsNew animation particles for every skill!
SoundsNew Hextech inspired sounds
Release date2020
Sold ingame?Yes, through the hextech crafting system.
Skin changes – Drastic changes to the champion bring the fantasy to life. Includes a new model, new texture, new splash image, new animations, new visual effects, new sounds. Sometimes includes: voice processing.
Skin bio & introduction: – A merchant tycoon hailing from the top echelons of Piltovan society, Sejuani paved the way for the manufacture of hextech mounts. Often seen atop the back of her trusted stead, Bristech, she surveys the gilded streets of her magnificent city, always on the lookout to recruit young innovators who dare to push the boundaries of science and engineering.
How to get this skin? – The Hextech Sejuani skin is possible to obtain in-game buy using the Hextech crafting system. Combine 10 Rare gems together and you can unlock this skin.
Worth buying? – If you are unsure whether this skin is worth buying or not. We would like to point out that on the Public Beta Environment server you can at any time test this skin in action. Once you have access to the PBE server it is free to buy and test any skin in the game. If you would like to know more, you can read about the PBE server and how to get access here.
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