What makes Lolskinshop’s service the best available?

LoL boosting – FAQ

How to order ?
1- Select your current Solo Queue division in our price calculator and select the desired division. The price for the boost will then show and you will be ready to buy by clicking in the Add to Cart button. – Keep in mind that “Boosting Packages” will ALWAYS be cheaper, if you are looking for more then a few games / divisions 2- You will be redirected to the checkout so you can complete the payment. Where you can pay through almost every possible payment method in the world, through our partner G2A. We accept Paypal. Credit Cards, Skrill, Paysafecards, Sofort Banking, iDeal, Bitcoins and many other options! 3- After the payment is received your boost should start within 24 hours. After we have recived your mail, we will assign you to a booster, as soon as we can. Keep in mind that we operate in europe, and depending on when you order things can take a little while before they get started, but almost all orders are started before 24 hours has passed. Notice: Lolskinshop uses 100% manual playing boosters, which means that we absolutely do NOT accept or use scripts, bots and any other kind of illegal software. Our boosters are regurarly screened too make sure they abide by our rules, if any booster is caught, they lose their payments, and is instantly kicked from our booster group!
How does this service work?
We will assign a Diamond or Challenger booster to your account, and they will log into your account to get you to your desired division or reach the amount of wins you need. We can use the Appear Offline application to prevent friends from communicating or watching you play. We will never spend RP on your account. We may spend IP on some occasions if your champion pool or runes are not sufficient. You can spectate and check if a booster is playing at http://lolnexus.com You can check the progress on your account at http://lolking.net and http://elophant.com
How long will it take to complete the service?
We usually win one division a day. If your LP gains are very low, one division may take 72 hours to complete or more.
How does this service work?
You pay us for improving your performance in ranked games. You give us your username and password and we play on your account. We have a lot of players which are at least in diamond league who guarantee the quality and speed required for your order.
What makes sure that my account won't get stolen?
In 2015 Lolskinshop proccessed more then 5000 elo boost orders, we provide a service for money, nothing more, nothing less. You should always verify your accounts email adress before giving access to ANYONE, that way your account is bound to you, forever.
Can I be banned for boosting?
There is always a small chance that this may happen, and no one can guarantee you 100% protection against it. Elo boosting is like cheating on a test, in most cases its fine, and you will not get caught. In 2015, we had 42 reported bans, out of 5000 succesfull orders. After inspecting the bans, more then half of them were related to the customers themself talking about being boosted.
Help none is playing my accounts?
Lolskinshop uses 100% manually playing players to do complete your order. No bots, hacks, cheats, scripts, just straight up skilled players. When you order from us, we assign 1 booster to your account. Please keep in mind that this is a normal human being, with a life aswell. Throughout a day, he should put in some hours, and he should play. There are tons of factors that can play into account, that you must keep in mind. We do everything we can to delivery as speedy boosts as possible, but sometimes it will take a little longer, due to unforseen circumstances, bad days, sickness, real life events and so on.
I bought a boost, coaching session or DuoQ, what now?
Your order has been forwarded too our boosting manager. He will assign it too one of our available boosters, and he should be starting as soon as he can.
Unranked Placement Games?
To calculate the price of unranked placement games we use silver I per win pricing. We guarantee at least silver I if no games have been played and lost and your previous season rating was at least silver III or unranked. Our experience tells us that 90% of our customers end in gold tier after we have played their placement matches if the account was unranked in the previous season and they lost no placement games. If you partially completed your placements games, you can purchase the remaining ones needed.
How do you sell wins?
Wins are sold as wins over losses: A loss counts as -1 wins. Example: You buy 5 wins, we lose 1, we will win 6 total. Note that every 25 LP gained will count as 1 Win. – How does buying wins work when i am in promotion? We count a completed promo as 2 wins for a best of 3 and 3 wins for a best of 5. If you are already 0-1 in the promotion we count a completed promo as 3 wins for a best of 3 and 4 wins for a best of 5. If you purchased more wins they are revalued for your new division/tier.
What if my MMR is very low?
We classify low MMR as gaining below 12 LP a win. If your MMR is low, please do not purchase boosts by division, your order will be completed on a per win basis. In the event that you purchase a boost by division and have low MMR, we will convert the value of the boost into wins for your current division.
Can I play after buying a boost?
In order to ensure the fastest possible boost, we ask you do not log in while the boost is in progress. If circumstances arise where you need access, just message us on live chat or Skype. This does not include trying to log in while a booster is playing or logging in to play ranked.
Can i communicate with the booster?
Customers can learn how to carry Solo Q by spectating the boosts, but normal boosts do not offer communication. Full coaching can also be bought from some boosters. If you want to communicate with your booster, please buy the DuoQ option.

Overwatch Boosting – FAQ

How do I contact you if my questions haven’t been answered?
When you order, you will be contacted by your booster, he will be your contact.
I dont have Level 25 can you help me?
Yes, we offer Overwatch Leveling service too.
Who will play on my account?
Your order will be completed by one of our trusted longterm boosters.
Is it safe?
Yes, we guarantee you that no hacks or cheats will be used, just 100% human skill.
What is the maximum Rank for Overwatch?
In Competetive Overwatch your rank can go from 1 to 5000.
How do I track the progress or how do I know the job is done?
You can contact us about the progress. When the job is done, we will contact you over email. – See more at:

Hearthstone Boosting – FAQ

How do I contact you if my questions haven’t been answered?
You can contact us by email: [email protected] or use the blue contact box in the bottom left.
What servers do you offer Heathstone boosting for?
Our service is available on all servers.
Who will play on my account?
Lolskinshop has been in Business for over 5 years, and during that time buildt up a long lasting and trusted boosting core, led by one of the best boosters in the industry, Mr. Fox. We can guarantee you that our boosters are of top notch quality, and is 100% proffesional both ingame and when dealing with your account security.
Can I play other games on my Battlenet?
To provide the best possible security, we advice against playing multiple games at once, eventhou it is possible.
Is it safe?
Yes, it is safe. We use different VPN/mac address for every HS boost. We do everything possible to stay off the radar and provide you the boosts you desire.
How do I track the progress or how do I know the job is done?
You can contact us about the progress or we can give you the boosters skype or email. When the job is done we will contact you over email. – See more at:

Last message from Andre, the Owner