Lol skins
Outdated pictures of all the skins for League of Legends
Old League of Legends ingame pictures of rare skins splash art models, rework, changes, balance, new textures, animations, particles spells, champion fixesLol skins
Outdated pictures of all the skins for League of Legends
Old League of Legends ingame pictures of rare skins splash art models, rework, changes, balance, new textures, animations, particles spells, champion fixesBoom Boom Blitzcrank ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Definitely Not Blitzcrank ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Goalkeeper Blitzcrank ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Riot Blitzcrank ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Cryocore Brand ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Apocalyptic Brand ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Zombie Brand ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Vandal Brand ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Dragonslayer Braum ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
El Tigre Braum ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Arctic Warfare Caitlyn ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Officer Caitlyn ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Sheriff Caitlyn ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Resistance Caitlyn ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Headhunter Caitlyn ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Mythic Cassiopeia ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Siren Cassiopeia ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Desperada Cassiopeia ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Jade Fang Cassiopeia ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Battlecast Prime Cho’Gath ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Jurassic Cho’Gath ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Loch Ness Cho’Gath ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Gentleman Cho’Gath ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Nightmare Cho’Gath ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Urfrider Corki ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Dragon Wing Corki ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Hot Rod Corki ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Red Baron Corki ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Ice Toboggan Corki ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
UFO Corki ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Bioforge Darius ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Lord Darius ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Woad King Darius ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Dunkmaster Darius ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Dark Valkyrie Diana ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Lunar Goddess Diana ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Rageborn Mundo ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Corporate Mundo ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Executioner Mundo ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Mr. Mundoverse ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Toxic Dr. Mundo ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
TPA Mundo ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Gladiator Draven ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Soul Reaver Draven ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Primetime Draven ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Sandstorm Ekko skin ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Death Blossom Elise ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Blood Moon Elise ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Victorious Elise skin ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Safecracker Evelynn ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Tango Evelynn ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Shadow Evelynn ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Ace of Spades Ezreal ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Pulsefire Ezreal ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Explorer Ezreal ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Frosted Ezreal ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Debonair Ezrael ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Striker Ezreal ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
TPA Ezreal ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Bandito Fiddlesticks ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Surprise Party Fiddlesticks ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Fiddle Me Timbers ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Spectral Fiddlesticks ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Risen Fiddlesticks ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Nightraven Fiora ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Royal Guard Fiora ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Fisherman Fizz ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Tundra Fizz ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Atlantean Fizz ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Void Fizz ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Gatekeeper Galio ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Commando Galio ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Enchanted Galio ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Debonair Galio ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Special Forces Gangplank ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Minuteman Gangplank ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Spooky Gangplank ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Sailor Gangplank ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Sultan Gangplank ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Toy Soldier Gangplank ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Steel Legion Garen ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Dreadknight Garen ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Commando Garen ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Rugged Garen ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Desert Trooper Garen ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Dino Gnar ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Superfan Gragas ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Oktoberfest Gragas ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Gragas, Esq ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Hillbilly Gragas ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Scuba Gragas ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Vandal Gragas ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Santa Gragas ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Mafia Graves ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Jailbreak Graves ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Hired Gun Graves ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Pool Party Graves ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Riot Graves ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Reaper Hecarim ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Blood Knight Hecarim ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Headless Hecarim ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Arcade Hecarim ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Piltover Customs Heimerdinger ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Blast Zone Heimerdinger ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Alien Invader Heimerdinger ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Hazmat Heimerdinger ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Order of the Lotus Irelia ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Frostblade Irelia ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Nightblade Irelia ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Aviator Irelia ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Infiltrator Irelia ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Frost Queen Janna ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Hextech Janna ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Tempest Janna ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Forecast Janna ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Darkforge Jarvan IV ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Dragonslayer Jarvan IV ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Commando Jarvan IV ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Nemesis Jax ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Temple Jax ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Jaximus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Vandal Jax ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
The Mighty Jax ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Pax Jax ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Full Metal Jayce ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Forsaken Jayce ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Mafia Jinx ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Firecracker Jinx ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Blood Moon Kalista ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Sun Goddess Karma ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Sakura Karma ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Traditional Karma ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Order of the Lotus Karma ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Pentakill Karthus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Grim Reaper Karthus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Statue of Karthus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Phantom Karthus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Fnatic Karthus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Harbinger Kassadin ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Pre-Void Kassadin ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Deep One Kassadin ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Festival Kassadin ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Mercenary Katarina ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Sandstorm Katarina ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
High Command Katarina ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Bilgewater Katarina ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Kitty Cat Katarina ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Warring Kingdoms Katarina ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Red Card Katarina ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Aether Wing Kayle ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Battleborn Kayle ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Viridian Kayle ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Judgement Kayle ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Silver Kayle ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Riot Kayle ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Kennen M.D. ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Arctic Ops Kennen ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Karate Kennen ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Knockout Lee Sin ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Muay Thai Lee Sin ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Acolyte Lee Sin ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Dragon Fist Lee Sin ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Traditional Lee Sin ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Pool Party Lee sin ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Iron Solari Leona ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Valkyrie Leona ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Defender Leona ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Pool Party Leona ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Bloodstone Lissandra ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Blade Queen Lissandra ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Hired Gun Lucian ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Striker Lucian ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Dragon Trainer Lulu ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Wicked Lulu ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Bittersweet Lulu ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Bad Santa Veigar ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Steel Legion Lux ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Imperial Lux ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Commando Lux ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Spellthief Lux ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Sorceress Lux ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Star Guardian Lux ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Glacial Malphite ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Obsidian Malphite ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Mecha Malphite ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Shamrock Malphite ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Marble Malphite ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Coral Reef Malphite ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Overlord Malzahar ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Djinn Malzahar ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Shadow Prince Malzahar ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Vizier Malzahar ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Headhunter Master Yi ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Samurai Yi ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Ionia Master Yi ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Chosen Master Yi ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Assassin Master Yi ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Mafia Miss Fortune ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Secret Agent Miss Fortune ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Waterloo Miss Fortune ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Arcade Miss Fortune ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Road Warrior Miss Fortune ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Pentakill Mordekaiser ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Infernal Mordekaiser ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
King of Clubs Mordekaiser ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Blackthorn Morgana ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Sinful Succulence Morgana ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Ghost Bride Morgana ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Blade Mistress Morgana ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Exiled Morgana ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Victorious Morgana ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Koi Nami ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
River Spirit Nami ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Urf the Nami-tee ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Dreadknight Nasus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Pharaoh Nasus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Galactic Nasus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Infernal Nasus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Archduke Nasus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Riot Nasus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
AstroNautilus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Subterranean Nautilus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Abyssal Nautilus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Warden Nautilus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Headhunter Nidalee ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Pharaoh Nidalee ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
French Maid Nidalee ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Bewitching Nidalee ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Warring Kingdoms Nidalee ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Leopard Nidalee ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Snow Bunny Nidalee ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Eternum Nocturne ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Ravager Nocturne ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Frozen Terror Nocturne ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Haunting Nocturne ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Void Nocturne ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Demolisher Nunu ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Nunu Bot ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Grungy Nunu ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
TPA Nunu skin ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Pentakill Olaf ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Brolaf ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Forsaken Olaf ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Glacial Olaf ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Bladecraft Orianna ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Sewn Chaos Orianna ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Gothic Orianna ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
TPA Orianna skin ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Ruthless Pantheon ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Glaive Warrior Pantheon ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Full Metal Pantheon ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Myrmidon Pantheon ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Dragonslayer Pantheon ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Perseus Pantheon ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Scarlet Hammer Poppy ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Battle Regalia Poppy ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Noxus Poppy ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Blacksmith Poppy ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Phoenix Quinn ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Woad Scout Quinn ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Guardian of the Sands Rammus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Full Metal Rammus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Ninja Rammus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Freljord Rammus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Chrome Rammus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
King Rammus ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Eternum Rek’Sai ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Prehistoric Renekton skin ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Rune Wars Renekton ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Bloodfury Renekton ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Outback Renekton ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Pool Party Renekton ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Scorched Earth Renekton ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Galactic Renekton ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Headhunter Rengar ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Night Hunter Rengar ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
SSW Rengar ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Reverse Annie ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Frostfire Annie ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Prom Queen Annie ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
FrankenTibbers Annie ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Panda Annie ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Annie In Wonderland ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Sweetheart Annie ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Goth Annie ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Battle Bunny Riven ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Redeemed Riven ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Crimson Elite Riven ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Dragonblade Riven ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Rumble in the Jungle ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Super Galaxy Rumble ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Bilgerat Rumble ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Tribal Ryze ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Professor Ryze ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Uncle ryze ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Dark Crystal Ryze ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Pirate Ryze ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Zombie Ryze ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Human Ryze ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Darkrider Sejuani ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Traditional Sejuani ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Bear Cavalry Sejuani ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Sabretusk Sejuani ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Masked Shaco ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Asylum Shaco ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Mad Hatter Shaco ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Royal Shaco ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Wild Card Shaco ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Workshop Shaco ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Warlord Shen ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Blood Moon Shen ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Surgeon Shen ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Frozen Shen ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
TPA Shen skin ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Ice Drake Shyvana ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Ironscale Shyvana ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Boneclaw Shyvana ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Augmented Singed ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Surfer Singed ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Hextech Singed ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Mad Scientist Singed ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Riot Singed ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Warmonger Sion ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Lumberjack Sion ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Barbarian Sion ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Hextech Sion ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Bandit Sivir ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Warrior Princess Sivir ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Warden Sivir ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Snowstorm Sivir ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Pax Sivir ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Guardian of the Sands Skarner ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Sandscourge Skarner ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Earthrune Skarner ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Battlecast Alpha Skarner ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Arcade Sona ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Guqin Sona ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
DJ Sona skin spotlight with ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Celestine Soraka ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Divine Soraka ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Dryad Soraka ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Order of the Banana Soraka ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Tyrant Swain ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Northern Front Swain ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Bilgewater Swain ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Justicar Syndra ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Queen of Diamonds Syndra ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Atlantean Syndra ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Renegade Talon ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Crimson Elite Talon ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Dragonblade Talon ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Bloodstone Taric ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Armor of the Fifth Age Taric ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Emerald Taric ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Panda Teemo ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Super Teemo ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Cottontail Teemo ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Astronaut Teemo ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Omega Squad Teemo ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Recon Teemo ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Happy Elf Teemo ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Deep Terror Thresh ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Blood Moon Thresh ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Championship Thresh ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Rocket Girl Tristana ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Buccaneer Tristana ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Guerilla Tristana ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Constable Trundle ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Lil’ Slugger Trundle ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Junkyard Trundle ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Traditional Trundle ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Nightmare Tryndamere ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Sultan Tryndamere ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Demonblade Tryndamere ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
King Tryndamere ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Viking Tryndamere ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Highland Tryndamere ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Musketeer Twisted Fate ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
High Noon Twisted Fate ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Tango Twisted Fate ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Red Card Twisted Fate ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
The Magnificent Twisted Fate ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Underworld Twisted Fate ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Pax Twisted Fate ingame picture, splash art, and youtube video
Note: With the update to referal system 3.0 on February first 2015, this is now 100% safe for everyone to get, Riot decided insted of fighting it, they made their referal system much simpler. So there is no longer any chance of lost rewards.