Frequently Asked Questions
Please take a minute reading this, you will find the answer you are looking for!

Payment methods
Why Lolskinshop?
Lolskinshop.com has been in business for over 7 years. When skin codes were the big thing, we were one of the biggest actors in the market.
We officially partnered with tons of famous YouTubers, such as SivHD, Protatomonster, and Keyori. You can view all of thoose videos here on our Reviews page
In 2016, we proccess more then 50 orders every day, and sell tons of accounts, boosts and accounts.
In 2020 we are still going strong selling the same old products that our customers have loved for years. Unfortunately, some of our older core products are no longer possible to sell, but we still have our core products which are smurfs, boosts, and rare skin accounts.
Lolskinshop has been and is one of the biggest actors on the market, previously partnered with all the big YouTubers, and currently partnered with the biggest online seller of games.
We take our customer’s safety very seriously, and we everything we can to make sure every single customer gets the best service possible.
Lolskinshop has a Review page filled with all our customers feedback throughout the years. If you have any questions feel free to contact us at [email protected]
All our accounts are super old, and 100% in our ownership. When purchasing an account here at Lolskinshop you get a free lifetime warranty on all your accounts.
We take our customer’s safety to the absolute max, if something goes wrong with your purchase that is our fault, we will gladly replace it if possible or offer a full refund.
General questions

Elo Boosting related questions?
Elo boosting – You pay us for improving your performance in ranked games. You give us your username and password and we play on your account. We have a lot of players which are at least in diamond league who guarantee the quality and speed required for your order.
DuoQ – You play with our boosters on your own account
Account related questions?
Lolskinshop.com sellls all kinds of accounts, mainly devided into 3 brackets.
LoL smurfs with Blue Essence
LoL accounts with premade champion count
LoL accounts with rare skins.
LoL smurfs with Blue Essence Are professionally botted accounts, they play normal ARAM matchmaking, and plays and acts exactly like a human player on average silver rating. Most people who play against them cannot detect at all that they are bots, neither does Riot.
LoL accounts with premade champion count Theese accounts are manually leveled accounts, randomized to avoid any form of detection
LoL accounts with rare skins. Theese accounts are a mix of old and new accounts, that has some or a lot of rare skins that are no longer obtainable, and therefore makes them very valuable.
All accounts comes with a LIFETIME WARRANTY!Last message from Andre, the Owner
Lolskinshop.com main focus is to give you, the paying customer your prodct as advertised, as fast as humanly possible. We prefer to do things the right way, right away, to make sure you get your product as fast as possible, and as effortless and problem free as possible.
Most of our product pages are highly detailed, with specific information that is very relevant to the product you are looking at, please read it carefully, as it can contact important and relevant information! Thank you for visiting Lolskinshop