Gifting accounts are accounts with between 14000 and 16000 Riot points on them, they are used for the sole reason of gifting skins, champions or other things to your main account.
Now your first reaction is how in gods name does one “get” a account with 100 euros worth of RP.
I will tell you why, so you know and can feel safe about it.
We use two methods, winning tournaments on our smurfs (the same tournaments that gives you Triumphant Ryze and 3200RP, you also get RP rewards for finishing in second and third place.
The other method is simply prepaid sim cards in “cheaper” countries, alot of people sell a prepaid sim card with 100euros worth of call time for example, for 50 euros.
And by default you have in teory scored 50 euros worth of RP if you spend that sim card on buying RP.
Get any skin or champion you want!
14000-16000RP costs roughly 100 euros ingame
Save yourself 20 euros by buy buying our gifting accounts insted!
Lastly I want to specify that this is in no way “hacked” Riot points nor did we use any illegal ways of obtaining it, so your account is perfectly safe
How does it work
You buy the account here on this page
We will mail the account information to your mail (The one you used through paypal)
This has a 24 hours estimated delivery time , from when you have ordered!
The premade smurf account is available for NA only, but it can be transfered to any region through the ingame shop
Our top selling products!
Unranked accounts and LoL Smurfs
Elo boost
High-end lol accounts
Lolskinshop is one of the biggest sellers of ELO boost, we got some of the highest rated challenger players on euw here on lolskinshop. Our prices are lower then all our competitors and we offer placement matches, division boosting, mmr raising and duoQ. Choose us for the best experience when it comes to ELO Boosting